for anyone who may have missed this. . . .
DCs Ghost
JoinedPosts by DCs Ghost
Did They Go Too Far?
by DCs Ghost inread the following when you get a chance .
i am curious to your reaction.
satanism, witchcraft and devil worship. . . . . .
by DCs Ghost incontrary to popular belief and what society and the media will portray satanism, devil worship and witchcraft are 3 very independent systems of belief, .
sure, to those who are afraid of looking into books dealing with the occult, for fear of being possessed or what have you, i write this as a vent because it makes me laugh when i hear people assume that the three are the same, they aren't, .
and the reality is that even though the three get bunched up as the same, many times it is the ignorance of the practitioners which keeps the ignorance alive.
DCs Ghost
if you can label speaking for 20 minutes, once every 3-4 months a normal healthy mother/son relationship, then sure i guess all is fine [8>]Morning Satan,
(something so soothing about saying that)
tell me more about your history with the dubs, location and such. . .
seems i have met a few who have come to the same conclusions on their own, kinda interesting. . . .peace
dc -
satanism, witchcraft and devil worship. . . . . .
by DCs Ghost incontrary to popular belief and what society and the media will portray satanism, devil worship and witchcraft are 3 very independent systems of belief, .
sure, to those who are afraid of looking into books dealing with the occult, for fear of being possessed or what have you, i write this as a vent because it makes me laugh when i hear people assume that the three are the same, they aren't, .
and the reality is that even though the three get bunched up as the same, many times it is the ignorance of the practitioners which keeps the ignorance alive.
DCs Ghost
dc, it sounds as if she is still your mom
can you explain this? -
Did They Go Too Far?
by DCs Ghost inread the following when you get a chance .
i am curious to your reaction.
DCs Ghost
i knew this would be great for conversation. . .
thank you very much for reiterating i think you said it much more clearly than i did. . . .Seeker
thanks for expanding on this. . .btw his own parents turned in his journal. . . .that fact is that he did not act on it
and he did not write it as a confessionit was FICTION,
btw thanks for bringing up Lolita, not only is it a book it is also a movie, which i believe pushes the issue even further. .for as horrible and grotesque as it was he has been sentenced for fiction. . . . .
so all you writers out there think what this can do to you
as Conflicted pointed out this sets a precedent that need s to be checked quickly if not we can kiss the horror genre goodbye, and most erotica will go out the window too,this is america in ohio boys and girls. . . .
satanism, witchcraft and devil worship. . . . . .
by DCs Ghost incontrary to popular belief and what society and the media will portray satanism, devil worship and witchcraft are 3 very independent systems of belief, .
sure, to those who are afraid of looking into books dealing with the occult, for fear of being possessed or what have you, i write this as a vent because it makes me laugh when i hear people assume that the three are the same, they aren't, .
and the reality is that even though the three get bunched up as the same, many times it is the ignorance of the practitioners which keeps the ignorance alive.
DCs Ghost
it is curious how similar our lives have been Bridgette, as far as the way we got in and the way we got out,
i am currently solitary myself, the coven was a starting point which my coworker introduced me to, she knew before i did but she never pushed it on me,
i had been reading carlos castaneda at the time and i remember reading something to the effect that the teacher comes when the student is ready, and around that time she and i would have some interesting conversations about life, and one day she asked me to go to her sisters for they were getting together for the full moon, she said i would have a good time,
after i left miami i became solitary. . . .hi Claudia
in answer to your question as to what they think, this is my stance,i am pagan, what i mean by that is that it is a lifestyle and not a religion for me,
technically anyone not christian can be labeled a pagan,
i personally don't subscribe to judeo-christian beliefs, nor any type of religious organization for that matter,
i believe jesus walked around but his teachings were severily warped over time, by the church
i have read up on different paths, and taken what i like from what i have read, as is usually the case with most solitaries,because it is not a religion, there are no rules to follow other than
do what you will, harm no one,
that is the code, it is quite simple and common sense dictates my life,
i am solely responsible to the voice of my conscience, and responsible for my own actions,
i believe that karma goes a long way and i am a firm believer that what i put out is what i get back,
i don't need a book or a committee to give me guidelines or rules to live by,
i also believe that we are not born sinners, that is a label that we get pinned with, by christ based religions, this is a conclusion that i have come to on my own and i could expand on this if you like. . .because i have chosen to walk away from the borg, i am on a need to know basis with my folks, if they can distance themselves from me because they feel i am a bad association and need to obey man made laws, then so be it, i can return the favor, in order to make their life easier
this is the way i see things for as cold as it may sound,
if they can choose to follow a herd of old geezers and let these goons dictate their life and cause a division between us, that is their choice and it is they who need to live by it, not i
i respect their decision and i don't impoose my beliefs on them
unfortunately they don't share that common respect with me,it is impossible to have a conversation with them without the borg coming up, that is their life they know nothing outside of it,
i think it is sad and pathetic that adults can give up their existence to a printing company and let such dictate their life,when i first got out i tried to make some type of ammends with them and be the good son, and maintain a relationship,
it didn't get far, if i did not make the effort they did not either,
8 years have elapsed and there have been stretches of time where we have not spoken at all,
(we went through a period of 2 years without speaking at one point)
it sucks, but that is life on their terms,
through the years i have decided that it is best to not speak to them as much, for they can be very draining,
in the next life hopefully we will sort it out. . . .my mom knows my nature and she knows that i like books, she knows i like to read, but above all i question everything, i believe that she may know, because of some of the conversations we have had, secretly i know she believes i am doing what is right for me though she will not say it and like any witness mom she harbors the hope that i will return, though i have made it pefectly clear that pigs have a beter chance of growing wings,
edited because i felt like editing. . . wasn;t happy with the first draft it wasn't saying what i wanted to convey
and why am i justifying this?peace
dc -
satanism, witchcraft and devil worship. . . . . .
by DCs Ghost incontrary to popular belief and what society and the media will portray satanism, devil worship and witchcraft are 3 very independent systems of belief, .
sure, to those who are afraid of looking into books dealing with the occult, for fear of being possessed or what have you, i write this as a vent because it makes me laugh when i hear people assume that the three are the same, they aren't, .
and the reality is that even though the three get bunched up as the same, many times it is the ignorance of the practitioners which keeps the ignorance alive.
DCs Ghost
hi Bridgette
in a nutshell my history. . .
i was born in 70
my mom accepted studies back in 72,
she fell victim to door to door tactics, for she had just seperated from my dad and wasn't much of a catholic, so my take is that in her low she was scooped up,
she was baptized in 74 and has been a dub since,
in 76 she married a dub undergoing studies, which of course she got slack for cuz he wasn't baptized yet, he was dunked shortly after,
so from the age of 2 i went to meetings with my mom, and after she married, i was locked in
i would have probably bailed out at a younger age had it been her and i alone, but those are the breaks,at 13 i started raising havoc and royally pissing off the elders, they managed to get me in line for a while or should i say i conformed because it was the wise thing to do,
in 86 we moved from NJ to FL and i found my break, not really knowing anyone there it was easier to miss meetings and i really didn't care what the "brothers" thought of me
it took me a few years but by the age of 23 i was fully out and never returned . . .i always believed in a higher power, but i could not relate to their god,
there were things that i experienced growing up that went against what i was learning from the bible,
i was torn between curiosity and fear,
curiostiy prevailed, there were things that just came to me naturally, things i would just know,
and i found these more intriguing
but i knew to not talk about such, at least not to witnessesshortly after i jumped boat i found a coven through one of my coworkers and learned a few things from them,
my first gathering though, i was a little concerned as to what i would be experiencing, having all the witness prejudices going off in the back of my mind during the ritual, but when i saw the truth for myself i realized there was nothing to be scared of, and since then have felt more in tune with myself and my surroundings,
i guess in way i was lucky, i found a group that really understood the craft for what it is and not for what it is hyped up to be. . .
no regrets
what's your story?
dc -
Did They Go Too Far?
by DCs Ghost inread the following when you get a chance .
i am curious to your reaction.
DCs Ghost
he was NOT prosecuted for child rape. the site is not telling you or me what he WAS prosecuted forhe was prosecuted for possession of child pornography
based on his private personal journal,
his thoughts were considered to be child pornography,
the moment that he wrote them down he broke the law,
that is why he was prosecuted
that is what is being said in the article and that is what this debate is about
the issue is not so much the subject but rather,
if l writing down your personal thoughts could convict you of a crime,dc
satanism, witchcraft and devil worship. . . . . .
by DCs Ghost incontrary to popular belief and what society and the media will portray satanism, devil worship and witchcraft are 3 very independent systems of belief, .
sure, to those who are afraid of looking into books dealing with the occult, for fear of being possessed or what have you, i write this as a vent because it makes me laugh when i hear people assume that the three are the same, they aren't, .
and the reality is that even though the three get bunched up as the same, many times it is the ignorance of the practitioners which keeps the ignorance alive.
DCs Ghost
hi Feral
that is one of the points i am getting at with this thread,
that there is a difference betweeen a Satanist and a Satan/Devil worshipper,of the three that i mentioned the only one i would be weary about would be a Devil worshipper, who calls himself a satanist,
usually these types are looking for attention and a scapegoat for their actions,Satanism is a total mockery of the church, and that is why it goes by that name, it does so to distance itself from the man made rules and hypocracy of christianity. . .
personally i get a kick out of #9
satan has been the best friend the church has ever had, as he has kept it in business all these years!what would the witnesses do without him?
take him away and there is no one to blame and no one to fear,having lived in a small town for a while i was accused of such by the locals, (of being a satan worshipper)
when the witnesses would come to my door it would confuse them royally,
being a small town the rumors circulated and they assumed the worst of me, because of my appearance,
in their minds i was the anti-christ who needed to be saved, yet i could chat with them about the bible, without burning up
and challenge their thoughts, which would cause them to leave bewildered,
gotta tell you, it didn't take long for them to stop knocking at my door, would have loved to hear the comments as they passed by my house, or to have read their comments on their door to door reports. . . .
and they never knew my history with the dubs
granted that the rumor was sparked because i mostly wore black and one of my friends, (she) wore a pink mohawk,
so obviously
it would amuse us,
the locals, not just the dubs, would be so quick to assume and judge us because of media programming and false assumptions, it was cheap entertainment for us. . .
gotta love it i tell you,peace
dc -
Did They Go Too Far?
by DCs Ghost inread the following when you get a chance .
i am curious to your reaction.
DCs Ghost
italics following are taken from the article. . .
to the few that have posted thanks,
to those that haven't i suggest you read this because this can affect us all in the future if this mentality spreads to other realmspersonal thoughts are exactly that, personal. . .IMO
if i fantasize about one of my coworkers have i cheated on my girlfriend?
can my co-worker accuse me of sexual harrasment for fantasizing about her?think about this,
think about a private thought of yours, now imagine being arrested for it,
now imagine having written about it,
that can be used as evidence for intent to act upon it, \
this is what the court said by sentencing him to 7 years
this is what happened to this kid,
he wrote down his most twisted thoughts and was sent to jail for it,
had he not written it, and only thought about it
would he still be a criminal, who would have known?
"Short of the ability to read minds, I don't know how one could come closer to punishing thought than convicting a man as a felon for the contents of his private diary,"what i find scary is not so much the fact of what Dalton wrote but more the fact that he was prosecuted for writing it without having acted on it,
i believe this is a direct infringement on privacy,
i agree that the kid has issues and that he needs help,
but is it right to covinct someone for a thoughts written in a journal? and if so, isn't there another way to handle such a situation? some type of preventive action other than jail?
perhaps a mental institution would have been more appropriate. . .the following are excerpts from the article for anyone who hasn't read it. . .
Dalton's parents turned the journal over to authorities earlier this summer in hopes that their son would be forced into sex-offender treatment; instead, he received a seven-year prison sentence for daring to commit his inmost thoughts to paper. He has never acted on his dark impulses, preferring instead to record his icky dreams in a secret journal.
The sad irony of Dalton's predicament is that, if placed in treatment rather than prison, he likely would have been encouraged to confront his demons in writing. As writer Joe Loya noted in a Los Angeles Times op-ed on the case, "To write out fantasies in order to avoid creating real victims is therapy, not pornography." Ohio's message to the sick is clear, and troubling: Bottle up your wicked thoughts, or risk hearing a knock on your door.
willy, my questions to you. . .
granting you that he created it,
if i write about adultery, does that make me a cheater?
if i write about torture, does it make me a sadist?
if i write about murder, does it make me a killer?you stated that it is the story or the pictures themselves that are the crime.
if indeed that is the case, wouldn't the news be breaking the law every night?believe me pedophiles have issues, and those that act on it are sick, but my concern here is not so much the crime but the extreme punishment for writing personal thoughts,
conflicted hit the issue right on the head with this statement
If a man can be sent to prison for writing a pedopheliac story, a man can be sent to prison for writing a story involving ANY other crime as well.The Dalton case is groundbreaking in its criminalization of uncirculated text. Until recently, the private ownership of obscene material was constitutionally protected, provided no children were involved in its creation. In a 1969 decision, Stanley v. Georgia, the Supreme Court concluded that "the state may no more prohibit mere possession of obscene matter on the ground that it may lead to antisocial conduct than it may prohibit possession of chemistry books on the ground that they may lead to the manufacture of homemade spirits. . . . A state has no business telling a man, sitting alone in his own house, what books he may read or films he may watch." . . .
you can't criminalize people for having bad thoughts or creating material that will induce others to have bad thoughts,
again it was uncirculated,
we have a man putting his thoughts on paper for his own personal reasons, he is venting and possibly trying to get a grip on his thoughts, no crime commited yet. . .unless it can be proven that he was planning on distributing or selling or somehow making it accessible to others, then it would be a crime,
as to what this rational exhibited by the court could lead to if not checked. . .
One potentially dicey case is that of American Beauty, in which actress Mena Suvari bares her chest while playing an underaged temptress. That Suvari was over 18 could be immaterial—the filmmaker's intent to depict a naked high schooler would be all that mattered. Even had director Sam Mendes made the movie on his bedroom Macintosh, using nothing but computer-generated figures, and shown it to no one, he might still face criminal charges. All it would take is an ambitious prosecutor hankering for publicity.
comments please,
i know there are many here who have interesting things to say on this,peace
dc -
Did They Go Too Far?
by DCs Ghost inread the following when you get a chance .
i am curious to your reaction.
DCs Ghost
my sentiments exactly,peace